Close Variant Keyword Matchtype Changes

Back in the good old days exact match meant exact match, phrase was phrase and broad was broad! Slowly Google have been changing the meaning and allowing ads to show when a keyword isn’t exactly specified in your account. Why? Well they’ll say that it helps capture...

Google Ad Suggestions – Watch Out!

Let’s talk about Google Ad suggestions.  If you don’t pay close attention to your ads, and your account alerts this one could have easily slipped by you. For a while now Google has taken the liberty of creating auto-generated ad suggestions. These show up in an alert...

Are you taking advantage of Google Ads promotion extensions?

This time of year is rampant with reasons to run a promotion (Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Boxing Day) and Google seems to be making more and more promotion occasions available in the promotion extension list all the time. These are an excellent opportunity...