In 2021 Google are changing their requirements of what is needed to be a certified Google Partner offering Google Ads, and what they have added is bullshit. I can’t believe it. They are truly showing their colours as an evil money hungry company.

Let’s get straight to what has made me furious.

Within Google Ads there are always ‘recommendations’ that appear automatically giving shitty advice such as ‘turn on automation’ – don’t choose your keywords, let us do it. Or ‘let us automatically create ads that make no sense‘, or ‘hey, you’re not targeting these shitty websites, let’s add them in for you‘.

Lately they have added in an ‘optimisation score’ which, in order to make it to 100% would require taking all their shitty recommendations (or dismissing the recommendations) 😉

But as of 2021 you will HAVE to implement their recommendations to achieve Partner Status! The requirements even say “Dismissing recommendations will not count toward the account optimization requirement”.

This is going to lead to some terribly performing accounts and will cost users much more in wasted click costs. We all know that Google Automation isn’t good, and they are just pushing it like crazy.


In 2021 if I’m not a partner anymore it’s because I refuse bow down to Google and to do shitty work for hard working companies.

I honestly don’t think anyone looks at my Partner Status, and I think only small businesses care about the $150 credit they get when signing up with a Google Partner so it’s no big loss to me, but I feel sorry for all the small businesses that are going to get FUCKED by this. And people who speak the truth about what works in Google Ads are going to feel more like black sheep than ever. Baaaaaa


For now you can still view my Partner Status here

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